We need your help to deliver education, empowerment and hope for the future.
Your gift will reach HIV-affected orphans and vulnerable children in South Africa with the life-changing experience of Camp Sizanani's Virtual Youth Club program, empowering them with academic tutoring, HIV prevention education, life skills training, a sense of connection and belonging, and hope for the future. Kids like Sibusiso (pictured below) need your support today!
“Camp Sizanani has developed my mindset in such a way that I now know how to live/survive in the real world. The camp has taught me how to prevent myself from being infected with sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS and HPV. Sizanani has brought the seriousness of the real world to my attention. It also taught me about sexuality and substance abuse. Sizanani has brought many opportunities in my life. It also teaches you about respect because we honor the donors from USA and the vochellis [camp counselors]. It is such an honor to be known by this organization.” -- Sibusiso, age 14